This page outlines some useful drills to work on with your team to improve your skills and teamwork. Get Better Together!
Queen vs. 3 drones. The Drones are trying to win in any way possible, and the Queen is trying to last as long as possible. The queen has to hunt workers, block berry shots, and stop snail all at the same time Queens should focus on:
Drones should focus on: - Juking the Queen with jumps, tricky movement and strange pathing -- try to spread her thin! - Flexing -- push whatever objective the queen isn't watching - Berry passing and staging (unloading piles towards your hive for someone else to throw in) - Efficient berry throws
Queen vs 2 maces -- Queen needs to kill the maces. Queen should focus on:
Maces should focus on: - Running away when the queen approaches them (in a real game it's often better to stay alive than to die and let berries in)
Queen vs 2 maces, maces go into opposite hives, queen takes turns going after each mace Queen should focus on timing out the mace and exploiting bad positioning Maces should focus on map awareness and knowing when and how to escape the hive to survive.
Queen vs 3 speed shield swords. Queen should focus on:
Warriors should focus on:
Mace and Queen (Team 1) vs 2 Maces (Team 2) Team 1 should focus on having the mace clash with the opponent, and the queen punishing the opposing mace. Team 2 should prevent this strategy by having the maces stay safe and protect each other
Drone and Queen (Team 1) vs 2 Maces (Team 2) Team 1 goes for berry stuns -- Drone calls out the timing and makes the throw, then the queen goes for the kill.
Gun and Queen (Team 1) vs 2 Maces (Team 2) Team 1 should focus on:
Both players go mil and establish some boundaries so the entire map can't be used. Focus on winning the 1v1 by practicing footsies
2 Guns (Team 1) vs 2 Maces (Team 2) Team 1 should focus on:
Team 2 should focus on:
Maces are trying to double-team isolated opponents (clash then kill).
Practice Berry passes, alley-oops and throws. See the Berry page for more!
1 Sword vs 2 drones. Drones try to win by only running berries, while the sword lasts as long as possible Sword should focus on:
Drones should focus on: