Killer Queen Black is not a peer to peer networking service, the single source of truth are the servers. Servers are hosted in various regions. 

Your location with respect to a region, a party member, or an opposing party member, may affect response time and player movement.

# Region Locations

Servers are hosted on Amazon Web Services infrastructure. Servers for each regions are currently hosted in:

- US East (Ohio)
- US West (N. California)
- Canada (Central)
- EU (London)
- EU (Frankfurt)
- Asia Pacific (Sydney)
- Asia Pacific (Tokyo)
- South America (Sao Paulo)

# Selecting a Region

The game will do it's best to manually select the fastest region for you. However, you can manually specify a region as well.

*Currently this only works on PC, however the plan is to add this to Nintendo Switch as well*

1. Back out to the main menu/lobby screen
2. In the top-right area, click the button that says **Recommenced Region** [image:13 size:large]
3. Select a **region** from the resulting drop-down. *Lower numbers are better*[image:14 size:large]