Bots are AI players that can help fill out a Quick Play, Custom, or Local Wireless match. They will never throw berries, but otherwise are capable of participating in all objectives. # List of All Bot Names - AD-AM - AH-MED - Al - BitBOT - Bob - BOTaBoom - Brice-BOT - Chris-BOT - hyBOTenuse - Ian-AI - Ika-BOT - Josh-BOT - Killer Queen Blake - Matt-BOT - Mike-BOT - Nik-BOT - PeanutBOTter - SmuvAsBOTter - SweetBOT - UCanCallMeA # Some Notes About Names - All bots will have a bot icon next to their name in place of their ranking icon. - A few players will name themselves in the same style as the bots; this can be detected by simply looking for said icon. - Bots that are named after humans (for example Mike-BOT) are references to people who played a significant role in Killer Queen Black's development.